Rainbow Flag Vote Pad:
IF Code: nnhW (Voting Pad Sponsored by: http://IdeaFun.org )
Link to internet URL vote statistics:  [add link from Short URL plus '.info']


Keep Voting:  We  encourage you to back up your URL vote with a Pledge or Donation and  you will recive a Rainbow or Unity Flag with a donation of $5 or more.  Larger donation = larger flag.

Description of Rainbow Flag: 
Although  the Rainbow Flags   current primarily use in social movements  symbolizes  Gay Pride, it  has  been historically used as a symbol of  diversity and   inclusiveness, of  hope and of yearning.  It is used a  lot as the   backdrop or Peace flags,  as well as to symbolize  cooperation. 
If you make a donation of $5 or more, we will have a flag printed and mailed to you.
More information and Disscussion: http://piratepad.net/RainbowFlagOptions


Other Basic Info:
Vote & Disscuss Directly by Pad: (only if you are ok with your name and / or contact info being publicly supporing)
Simply    Write Your Name, Contact information, and how you want to vote (YES,    NO, Maybe, Score 1-9, Pledge Funds, Time, etc...) along with any other    comments by clicking here and going to the bottom of the pad: http://wctc.titanpad.com/nnhW

List of People who Publicly support this Idea:
[feel free to disscuss here as well]