Cabrera vs. Santa Clara County Vote Pad:
IF Code: Pk0v (Voting Pad Sponsored by: )
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Description of Cabrera vs. Santa Clara County: 
Cabrera vs. Santa Clara County is a 2014 court case fighting for the rights of the poorest of the poor to run for office, and to protect their existing rights to free speach based on the existing law.  In a political atmosphere where future generationals will live where the richest of the rich can spend unlimited money to pay people to run for them, it is essenciall that we establish a baseline where the poorest of the poor can also run for office without being indepted to the government.  This is a sub-project within Helping normal and Poor People run for office and Jays Candidacy.
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Simply   Write Your Name, Contact information, and how you want to vote (YES,   NO, Maybe, Score 1-9, Pledge Funds, Time, etc...) along with any other   comments by clicking here and going to the bottom of the pad:

List of People who Publicly support this Idea:
[feel free to disscuss here as well]