ICCC Vote Pad:
IF Code: xY (Voting Pad Sponsored by: http://IdeaFun.org )
Link to internet URL vote statistics:  [add link from Short URL plus '.info']


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Description of ICCC: 
The  vision of the ICCC is that it will be a community communications  clearing house to help support community endevors that involve advanced  communications methodologies including meetings consensus facilitation,  databasing decisions and proposals, as well as supporting  inter-scheduling between various different community projects and  groups.

The  ICCC offeres its services and expertice to all community organizations,  and our primary focus as of now is the creation of umbrella global  conference calls that are fully interactive where any topic or community  project can be disscussed in a focused and profeshonal way, including  facilitation, agenda planning, doccumentations, followup and general  group dynamics and cohesion. By collaborating with larger numbers of  people from various movements and organizations, we can find solutions  that otherwize would not be available.

Links to More information about project:
More info: http://wctc.titanpad.com/ICCC


Other Basic Info:
Vote & Disscuss Directly by Pad: (only if you are ok with your name and / or contact info being publicly supporing)
Simply   Write Your Name, Contact information, and how you want to vote (YES,   NO, Maybe, Score 1-9, Pledge Funds, Time, etc...) along with any other   comments by clicking here and going to the bottom of the pad: http://ideafun.titanpad.com/IFcode

List of People who Publicly support this Idea:
[feel free to disscuss here as well]