Match Carbon Emissions to Level the Planet Can Naturally Sequester Vote Pad:
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Description of Match Carbon Emissions to Level the Planet Can Naturally Sequester: 
The first proposal would be to directly Reduce Global Carbon Emissions to the level the Planet Can Naturally Sequester.  It is very easy to scientifically calculate the amount of carbon a single tree or ocean plankton sequesters. From that you can easily estimate the ability for a forest or portion of ocean to consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  Then you can easily estimate the total amount of carbon dioxide that the planet can consume per year.  And that is our number.  Humans are allowed to waste as much carbon as the planet itself can consume.  Its that simple, we must reduce our global carbon usage to an amount that is in balance with what the planet is able to sequester.  What is so cool about this, is that using agriculture, forestry, science, technology, and aquaculture, humans can easily increase the ability for the planet to sequester more and more carbon dioxide over time, allowing humans to use more and more fossil fuels in balance with the earth. Of course we wouldn't be able to do this overnight, but if you incrementally implemented this policy over the course of 50 years, it wouldn't be a problem at all on our human economy or individual companies.  All you need to do is create the economic incentive.
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