Unity Network Calendars

List of All Unity Calendar Links: http://unitynet.titanpad.com/UnityCalendarList

The Unity Network has the potential of having many different meeting and calendar systems, with many different ways for people to get involved in global, regional, and local time systems, as well as more frequent meetings, or meetings that only happen a few times a year.

Becaue the Unity Network is a single global network, our primary meeting and calendar schedule is based on natural cycles and global organizing structures organized on when people are awake.  This allows us to skip the whole processes of endless scheduling, as well as have a fair differenciation of when the meeting will be each time (as some people will always be asleep) as it is decided through natural cycles of the planets. We also use the gregorian and other calendar systems for scheduling, and it is up to each group within the network to decide how to schedule their meetings, although all primary decisions MUST be brought to high level natural Cycles to be ratified and further approved or evolved to get the higest level of verification and power within the network.

Old Unity Calendars: http://padhtml.wc.tc/wctc/all-pads/UnityNetCalendars.html
Pad: https://wctc.titanpad.com/UnityNetCalendars

New Calendar Set Up System: http://UnityNet.titanpad.com/CalendarSetUpSystem

Primary Planetary Calendars: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/TriadOrganizing

These are the longest cycles of the Unity Network and they are always acompanied by Asynchronous Sessions as well. 

Triad Calendars:

All Oct 2015 PST Sessions:

Overall Unity Network Calendars:

Local Node Calendars: