Local Node Calendar: UTC -8 / -7 PST (West Coast, California, SF Bay . . . Stanford)

We have Created our Calendar and Schedule based on Natural Cycles so there is no faforitizm to any specific location on the planet. Everyone is equal with having to be awake at night. The following meetings have all been filtered and organized to ONLY include meetings that are Awake in the Pacific Time Zone. Additinally they are ordered from the Most important meetings, to the less important ones. (This is currently only October 2015)



Primary Planetary Triad Meetings Schedule:  (These Sessions happen the least often and therefore are the Most important)

All Global Triad Meetings Schedule: (These Sessions include the Planetary ones above plus one other)
All Global Triad Meetings: (these are the most important global meetings we should all try to attend)

All Oct 2015 PST Sessions:


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