Volunteer Recruitment Messaging Pad:

Worker Email List Messaging Pad: http://unitynet.titanpad.com/WorkerEmailListMessaging


Step 1:  Initial Introduction & Welcome with Details on Scheduling and Involvement

Hi Ivy,

Thank for your interest in Volunteering with the Unity Network. I am excited to communicate with you and get you updated, trained, and excited to be taking on tasks and positions within our network.

There are 4 Next Steps to getting you set up as a Volunteer / Un-paid Unity Worker, that I will review in this email, and you are welcome to go as fast or as slow as you want, and ask any questions needed along the way. 

1) Confirm Compensation Status as an Unpaid Worker / Volunteer 
2) Get on Volunteer Update Email List 
3) Fill Buddy Team Form
4) Narrow down which Position(s) you want to take on.

1) The first step is to confirm your Compensation status as a Volunteer or Un-paid worker. You had requested to get "Community Service Hours" for your time. Typically we define that as a specific government program to work for community organizations to get your fines reduced. This can take some time to set up in your local community. You may have a different meaning in your locality so please be clearer about what you expect in exchange for "Community Service Hours". For those who aren't sure how they would like to start their Compensation level, but generally do not need up-front pay, we start by giving "Community Equity" as opposed to just Volunteering.

Of course there are positions in our Network that are ONLY available to Volunteers. We encourage everyone to work for Community Equity or just Volunteer as we have VERY limited Budgets at this time.  In the end though, it is up to you to decide your own Compensation level, or pay rate, if you wanted to request hourly pay. You can change your compensation level or pay rate at anytime, although it can take 1-2+ months for the change to take effect.  You can see a list of all of the Compensation Options and more info at this link: https://wctc.titanpad.com/PayRateChangesAndEquityTutorial 

2) Next you want to make sure you are on the Volunteer/Un-Paid Workers Update Email List. You should be receiving an email invitation to our Unity Volunteers Update Google Email List.  Please click the "Accept this Invitation"  link at  the bottom of that email to get on the Unity Volunteers Update List. If you  do not get the email to subscribe you can also request to  join at this  link: https://groups.google.com/group/creditsequityvolunteerworkerupdates  

3) Click this link to Fill out our Buddy Teams Form to begin the process of selecting and choosing a team: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fdkJIeZG-RaQZJ5PUE-2-xm_GC_VTuYeN3IqR-wPDys/viewform?usp=send_form

Choosing a Buddy Team is fun and creates more interaction between workers.  You can also recruit local people you know, or anyone else in the world to be on your team, but if you choose to do that you will want to let us know so we can give you more information about what a good team is, as you will be evaluated for your teamwork.

4) All Unity Workers and Volunteers take on some type of Position within the Network. If your not sure which position you would like, you can always simply be a "General Worker", which basically helps out with everything (great way to start and what we need), or you can simply start by helping with "Session Support" during our regularly scheduled public Sessions of the Unity Network.

On your form you indicated you were interested in being a "Project Coordinator", "Field Officer", or "Researcher"

We have Many Projects which need Coordinators that you are welcome to take on. This would include Unity Day, our annual event, the CommUnity Elections, our prioritization and public Direct Democracy system, People's Parallel Assembly & Congress, our Representative Democracy System, as well as The Comprehensive Plan, our publication, and there are a multitude of other Project sand Programs you could help Coordinate. There are dozens of other projects we want to launch which you can see listed in the Ideas and Projects section of TheComprehensivePlan.com. Right now our priority is focused on the internal set up for the network itself. If you only want to volunteer on projects that aren't priorities, and not help with the internal running of the network, that is fine, but if the project you are coordinating is not a priority, then you may just have to wait until it is a priority until you have more people to help you work on it. Again what we really need right now is people who are willing to be General Workers as we just have so much to do in so many different aspects of the Network.

As far as Field Officer, and Research, I'm not exactly sure what positions you are referring to, but you are welcome to elaborate on them.

The other TOP priority position is the Session Support Associate. We have many global sessions every week that we need people to Schedule to help coordinate and support. These sessions happen based on natural time cycles and can happen at any time of day or night. You can see which ones work with your own schedule, and you can sign up to schedule as Support for that Session.

Scheduling is simple, you just need to let us know which of the Sessions you are available for. From  there it is just about scheduling and getting you started with  training. We do ALL of our training within Live session, you learn as you go along, its the best way.  You can see our Unity Calendar which includes all of our Scheduled Sessions. Just let me know which ones you are available for, and we can plan ahead. Here is the link to the UTC+0 version for your local time zone: http://unity.network.wc.tc/Calendars/UTC-0.html

Additionally we have two Daily Scheduled Work Sessions for our "Half Sessions", as well as Triad Sessions. This would just be work sessions for me and you to do training and tasks. The links bellow have the specific times for each day. If these session times don’t work for you, that is ok, we can figure out a schedule that does work with your availability as needed, but sometimes it is just very difficult to schedule because of global time zones, and we just have to do more via email. Just let us know when your available, and we can see how close we can get to our existing scheduled sessions, but we can always find a time eventually.
Daily Half Sessions: http://unitynet.titanpad.com/UnityTemplateHalvesCalendars (Link to all time zones)
Daily Triad Sessions: http://unitynet.titanpad.com/UnityTemplateTriadCalendars

Here is a link to All of our Priority Positions we are trying to Fill: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/CurrentVolunteerPositionsList

Everything  happens very slow with our network, primarily because it is difficult  organizing globally, so just let us know if you have questions.

Thanks again for your interest,


Unity HR Support Team

Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera
California, USA
PO Box 20175
Stanford CA 94309
Cell: 1-415-323-5833
Skype: a0000d


Join Unity Meetings on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnityMeetings-1544233845814922/?fref=ts
and Twitter. http://Twitter.com/UnityMeetings

Please also join our General Unity Network Updates: http://wc.tc/UnityNet

Note:  All gigs and positions within our network are publicly accountable and  transparent.  All communications emailed about this position, will not  be distributed, but can be reviewed by our HR Board and people who  specifically request it.  Our  organization is a not-for-profit  grassroots community based group with a 501c3 tax deductible charity as  the center of our network.  We primarily function with volunteers, but  also offer pay to people who otherwise wouldn't be able to participate.   Thank you for your interest More information: http://UnityNet.info

Need to Add:
Step 2:

Questions About The Position:



Step 3: Buddy Team Form:


Thank for your interest in Volunteering with the Unity Network.

The first thing you need to do is to Confirm that you want to Volunteer and want to Opt out of any other compensation options available to you. You can see 

Your  pay rate of [$?/hr] sound reasonable, although you can always change it  in the future, although it can take 1-2 months for the new rate to take  effect.

There are two Next Steps. 1) Filling out the Buddy Team Form and 2) Scheduling

Also   you should be  reciving an email invitation to our Unity Workers  Update  Google Email List.  Please click the "Accept this Invitation"  link at  the bottom of that email to get on the Unity Workers Update  List. If you  do not get the email to subscribe you can also request to  join at this  link: http://groups.google.com/group/general-worker-updates You can also join our Social Media Worker Accounts : Twitter: https://twitter.com/unityworker Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/UnityWork/358286067711061

1) Click this link to Fill out our Buddy Teams Form to begin the process of selecting and choosing a team: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fdkJIeZG-RaQZJ5PUE-2-xm_GC_VTuYeN3IqR-wPDys/viewform?usp=send_form

Choosing  a Buddy Team is fun and creates more interaction between workers.  You  can also recruit local people you know, or anyone else in the world to  be on your team, but if you choose to do that you will want to let us  know so we can give you more information about what a good team is, as  you will be evaluated for your teamwork.

2) Scheduling is simple, you just need to let us know which of the daily Sessions you are available for.
From  there it is just about scheduling and getting you started with  training. We have two Scheduled Work Sessions per day for our Half  Sessions. If these session times don’t work for you, that is ok, we will  send you information for future scheduled sessions, just make sure you  get on the email list. You can see the times of the sessions in your  local time zone at this link: http://unitynet.titanpad.com/UnityTemplateHalvesCalendars

Everything  happens very slow with our network, primarily because it is difficult  organizing globally, so just let us know if you have questions.

Thanks again for your interest,

[your name]

Unity HR Support Team

Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera
California, USA
PO Box 20175
Stanford CA 94309
Cell: 1-415-323-5833
Skype: a0000d


You can also join our Social Media Worker Accounts : Twitter: https://twitter.com/unityworker Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/UnityWork/358286067711061

Please also join our General Unity Network Updates: http://wc.tc/UnityNet

Note:  All gigs and positions within our network are publicly accountable and  transparent.  All communications emailed about this position, will not  be distributed, but can be reviewed by our HR Board and people who  specifically request it.  Our  organization is a not-for-profit  grassroots community based group with a 501c3 tax deductible charity as  the center of our network.  We primarily function with volunteers, but  also offer pay to people who otherwise wouldn't be able to participate.   Thank you for your interest More information: http://UnityNet.info
