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Account Creation Processes Tutorial Pad:

Goal: To create a new online account, page, list, or other account like process, using the information provided.
Task: Go through the Tutorial, take the information provided about the account needed, create the account, and doccument final info.
Time: Should be able to completle creating a new account in as little as 5-10 minutes, for more complex pages, it could be 20-30mins.

Video Turorial Link:

Step 1: Review the Information Provided

If you don't have any information then contact whoever asked you to create the account, and ask them the information you need.  While your creating an account, there may be additional information you either need to make up on your own, or just call or ask again for additional informaiton.

Here is an Example:

Make a Google Account for Unity Network, using email and Password: 123456 or similar

Step 2: Create the Account

Dependign on the type of account you are asked to create, go to the website needed, and click on register, create account, or similar link.  There should be a form to fill out.  Fill out the form, and write down any essencial information that needs to be doccumented.  You may not be able to choose the perfect name, just make one similar.  You may not be able to create the exact password, just make one similar.

For our Example:
    Just google "Google Account Creation" and then click on the link.  Just do your best to fill out the form, and don't hesitate to ask for help.  Worst case, we just have to create an other account.

Step 3: Send Doccumentation 

Take all the informaiton that you doccumented and send the information back to the person who asked you to create the account.  If your not sure where to send it, just email the informatoin to

In this case it would inmclude the eclude the email used, the password used, the Username, and any other security questions, or other information that would be needed to use the account.

Step 4: Reporting & Evaluation

Remember to log your hours in your current work report.  If this was set up on the PMS, then you can also mark it as completed.

all done! :)