Craigslist Accounts Structure Pad:

Because Craigslist is technically a local web app, and we are a global organization, eventually we will need a seperate email account and post coordinator for each country and even each city.

This can cause a problem when having to approve accounts with phone numbers etc, but we will do our best to work around any obstical craigslist requires.  Our goal is to follow all of their policies, and our vision is to have a local group at every location, and that individual posts will be localized for each location.

Our Policy for Craitslist Posting:
Note: If an email is on this list, that does NOT mean that there is automatically a coreesponding craiglist account.  If you can't log in, then you just need to create the craitslit account, its very easy.

Accounts to Create:
Other Links:
    Pay Ranges Ranges

EurAfrica: - Central America/mexico (done & going well) - ???? - Bangladesh??/ Asia - Open - Open
For all 1-5: Webmail Pcode: 12a