IF Main Pad: https://wctc.titanpad.com/IdeaFun
IF Tasks Pad:http://sync.in/IdeaFun2do
IF Messaging Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1of3j27JKwUbMGSJJtdP18VSvwM4WDwrPH2S5l0H0Fgk/edit?usp=sharing 

Idea Fun Messaging Pad:

IdeaFun  is here to help people document ideas, share them with the public, and  build the resource capacity to make the best ideas reality.
    “Its time to Find and Fund the Ideas we have been waiting for.”
We take a look at the world around us, and as a community it seems  that we have a lot of problems in our society with a variety of global  crises arriving.
Our philosophy simply states that maybe we simply haven’t found the  idea or ideas that will solve our collective problems.  Or maybe the  idea is out there but just hasn’t been supported with funding and  resources.  So our solution is to create a support system to give any  and every idea a chance at being the idea that we are all waiting for.   No matter if it is just a scribble on a napkin, or an idea you’ve been  working on for years, and gave up on, we want to submit it to the public  to decide which ideas are the best.
The most popular ideas, and the ideas that could possibly solve our  collective social problems and crises will be directly submitted to the  Community Elections where we will be bubbling up a single idea that we  can all focus on.  for more information about Community Elections: http://CommunityElections.org
Please Support IdeaFun by Voting Here: http://goo.gl/wtqwR