Intro to The Comprehensive Plan Tutorial:

Video Turorial Link

Goal: To give a brief overall introduction to The Comprehensive Plan
Task: Watch the video to learn. Links with more information.
Time: Viedo is only 15-20mins, to read the about pdf could take an additional 1-2 hours.

The Comprehensive Plan Intro:
    The comprehensive plan is one of the primary theories and purposes of the Unity Network, where were are encouraging people and the many diverse and fragmented peoples movements to unite together to create an interactive comprehensive plan that focuses on the root solutions to all of our connected problems and crises.
        Current Crises and what are the current solutions?  Two options: 1. Let the crises consume us and have our society crumble and restart with the most likely outcome a repeat of the same problems, or humans go extinct and let a new species take over. or 2) Come up with new solutions to these new problems and Evolve Humanity from its current existence into an unknown yet collaborative future.

Old Systems: 
    Fragmented movements and individualized programs with individual foci

Comprehensive Theory:
    Maybe the old system won't work???  The theory basicly is that the only option may be that any solution must contain and fit into a vision that solves all the problems simultaniously, not as seperate fragemented peices.
        Any action affects all other actions, from the past, present and future.  It is impossible to make a decision in a vacuum that doesn't effect other decisions.  May not be the best solution, but it is a viable option, and we are one of the only networks that is focusing on this theory.  
        We belive that All problems and crisies are connected, and that there are solutions that will help bring all this problems into balance simultaniously if done in a coordinated and collaborative way using basic principles of sustainability and natural systems.
        So we arn't saying that you should stop focusing on your single focused organization or movement, we are just saying that we should always consider the viable option of the comprehensive theory when suggesting solutions to any individual problem or global crisis.  
        Amount of energy and work effort to fix any individua problem, global crisis, is so high, that the energy to fix the next problem is so small that you might as well do all of them.
What is our version of the Comprehensive Plan?
            Novel: To show the vision in action, to visualize this new way of thinking.
            Projects & Ideas: Elections, Integration & Implementation
                Goal is eventually to do all of them, priority order, meeting agenda
            Methodology: Covers the entirety of the conceptual framework that makes the comprehensive plan feasible.  The evolution of our current basic representative democracy.
How to get involved? 
    Unity Network & Humanities Evolution
    (link doesn't work yet)
    Link to Pdf documentation for Comprehensive Plan: (ALL DOCUMENTS ARE DRAFT, AND ARE NOT EVEN COSE TO DONE, it is just to give you an idea of the direction we are going)  It could take years to have a final draft...  Also we do not have the novel linked here, and it will be coming soon...
Introduction to The Comprehensive Plan (6 pages):

 The Comprehensive Plan Methodology (28-pages):  

 The Comprehensive Plan Projects & Ideas (17+ pages):

 Humanity’s Evolution (51 pages):