Team Jay Zillu Fri 10th April 2015:

Agenda / Work Tasks:

Create Pads, Recording etc…

Check In's (1-9 for how we are feeling/doing etc...) (done)
    Jay - 6.5
    Zillu - 7
Review Work Time/Scheduling for Zillu [5min-] (done)
Revew Tasks/Agenda for Today: (done)
    ??? how much longer ????
Donations Update / Large Donor options etc... : Going on  (not much) (done)

Realisitc Short Term Plan and Reassement of Budgets and Work Time (done)

Recruitment & Worker Coordination (Very Important Priority) [30min+] (done)
- Scheduling Goal
  Work Schedule:
- Add in additional workers from other Quadrants
- Brenda from Kenya - Good for Working over the Asyncrnous Session
 Work: Communications, Correspondance, & Emails
 Recruitment Messaging Pad:
 Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
    Signing Peopel Up on Worker Schedule:
Volunteer Outreach & Recruitment
    Keyna, and EurAfrica, plus rest of world. . .
    Local Bangladesh Volunteers / Workers . .. (local group)
    Vocab: Workers 
                    Paid Staff & Volunteers, Equity Workers
    Calendar & Scheduling Process 
        Where to put new worker calendar/schedules? - Pads, Google, other. . .
        Recruitment Emails
        "Unity HR Team"  - Zillu & Jay
    Unity HR Structure:

Calendar Updates
Session Support - Prep for April 16-23rd (getting there)
Worker Support:

Prep for Secondary Asyncrnous Session: (HAlf Year)
Unity Flag Campaign [1h+] (almost done) - Redo the Video

Other: (unfortunately unable to open the fb id)

Priorities for Secondary Asyncronous Session:
Check Out