Citizen Police Review Boards Vote Pad:
IF Code:3wE (Voting Pad Sponsored by: )
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Description of Empower Citzens Police Review Boards: 
One easy way to ensure a reduction in Police Brutality is to institute balance of power over police conduct by giving normal citizens direct oversight and power within the decision making structure of Police Departments across the country.  The best part of this idea is that it is not an idea, it is actually a tired and tested best case example of how many communities are dealing with policing problems, including in Las Vegas:  An other large city with a Citizen Review Board is San Diego:  We were not able to find a list of all cities that have these boards, but it is probably 100+. Additionally a Citizens Police Review Board is something that everyday people can come together and create without government involvement, and then work overtime to institutionalize their board to gain power within the official systems of their local government. Yet the most important part is not just having a Citizens Police Review Board, but that these boards are actually empowered as citizens to directly influence the conduct of police officers on their own streets. 
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List of People who Publicly support this Idea:
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