Transfrom Landfills into Resource Cycling Centers Vote Pad:
IF Code: 9t(Voting Pad Sponsored by: )
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Description of [insert Idea name here]: 
This would allow the ability to transform all current Landfills into Resource Cycling Centers by banning the concept of LANDFILL as we currently use it.  We all know that with simple pre-planning we could easily create a society that has zero waste at all times.  Everything can be designed to easily be re-used, up-cycled, re-cycled, down-cycled, or inoculated for compost to make soil.  For toxic materials they can be slowly broken down over decades using enzymes, fungus, bacteria, and plants.  Worst case scenario toxic materials can be stored for breakdown and cycling at a future time.  The key is that in the design of the products the cost of the resource cycling must be included into the products to ensure they end up back in the resource stream.  
More information: comming soon . . .


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Simply   Write Your Name, Contact information, and how you want to vote (YES,   NO, Maybe, Score 1-9, Pledge Funds, Time, etc...) along with any other   comments by clicking here and going to the bottom of the pad:

List of People who Publicly support this Idea:
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