Rattle Snake Flag Vote Pad:
IF Code: MbTS (Voting Pad Sponsored by: http://IdeaFun.org )
Link to internet URL vote statistics: [add link from Short URL plus '.info']
Keep Voting: We encourage you to back up your URL vote with a Pledge or Donation and you will recive a Rattle Snake or Unity Flag with a donation of $5 or more. Larger donation = larger flag.
Description of Rattle Snake Flag:
The Don't Tread on Me Flag is one of the original flags of the United States based on the Declaration of Independence. The others were the liberty flag and the tree flag. The flag is named after American general and statesman Christopher Gadsden, who designed it in 1775 during the American revolution. Rattlesnakes first use as a symbol of the American colonies can be traced back to the publications of Benjamin Franklin. Since the American Revolution, the flag has seen times of reintroduction as a symbol of American patriotism, a symbol of disagreement with government, or a symbol of support for civil liberties. Most recently the Tea Party Movement has used the flag as a symbol of the government overstepping its power, but in no way does this flag only stand for conservative values, it is much more broad and builds interconnections between the tea party and other social movements.
If you make a donation of $5 or more, we will have a flag printed and mailed to you.
More information and Disscussion: http://piratepad.net/DontTreadOnMeFlagDisscussion
Other Basic Info:
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Simply Write Your Name, Contact information, and how you want to vote (YES, NO, Maybe, Score 1-9, Pledge Funds, Time, etc...) along with any other comments by clicking here and going to the bottom of the pad: http://wctc.titanpad.com/nnhW
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