Resource Cycling Value (RCV) Vote Pad:
IF Code: WF (Voting Pad Sponsored by: )
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Description of [insert Idea name here]: 
RVC is exactly like CRV that is used for cans and bottles in most states.  The can or bottle has a small 10c value added to it, to ensure that the can or bottle is properly cycled and preventing it from ending up in trash heaps at the side of the road.  The whole idea of RCV, is that instead of just cans and bottles, it would apply to ALL products and materials.  Every single product, package, shipping container, or anything that is a solid material product, would match its bar code, just like a can or bottle, to a specific RCV which would be valued based on the pre-established design for the products resource cycling plan.  Any increase in product price would only be because of the true cost of the product production, but most non-toxic products would not change relative to inflation. The added cost of RCV would simply be off-set by redeeming the RCV after use, just like a can or bottle.  The higher the RCV, the higher the probability people will personally redeem a product to get their refund.
More information: comming soon . . .


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List of People who Publicly support this Idea:
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