Overall Calendar Set UP and Updating Systems Pad:
1st Process: Primary Planetary Calendar Updates: (need to create process link)
2nd Process: Updating our "Moon Clock" Calendar: (need to create a process link)
- Moon clock Calendar: http://wctc.titanpad.com/UnityNetworkMoonClockCalendarList
- Step 1: Cut and copy Old Calendar Dates into seperate pad
- Step 2: Copy any Additional Primary Planetary Calendar Dates (done for 2016-2017)
- Step 2b: copy any Additional Mercury Aphelion & DoubleSync Calendar Dates Needed (not done)
- Step 3a: Use the NASA Sky Cal: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SKYCAL/SKYCAL.html
- One Month at a Time (there are about 10 moon sessions per month)
- Add in All of the Moon Times
- Step 3b: While you have the Monthly Calendar out, you can sync the Saturday & Mid Week Sessions.
- Step 4: Add in Scheduled Dayily Session Info
- Step 5: Moon % Calc
- Use Moon to Gregorian Conversion: http://www.moonpage.com/index.html
- Remember to put the "+" or "-" to represent the redution or increase in %
- Also can add in the 1/8th Moons at 25% (there are 4 per month)
3rd Process: Create Outreach Links for Most Important Sessions
- Step 5: All Bold Half Sessions, Triad Sessions & other Primary Planatary Sessions
- Create Facebook & Google Calendar Links:
- For Google Calendar & Facebook start on the quarter hour before the exact natural sync time. For example if the Full moon is at 5:54p, then the Session would start at 5:45pm, NEVER at 6pm, always start the session before the time.
- Facebook Event Links: Pretty Simple:
- Add to Google Calendar & Link Creation:
- Currently doesn't include Double Sync Calendar Creation process