Full Organizing Pad:
- Full Organizing is when we focus on the ENTIRE Earth uniting and fully organizing, which means that we encourage EVERYONE on the other half of the planet to stay awake and participate in this single session. Full Earth Sessions take place very rarely and occur when two or more Independent Natural cycles Sync within 15minutes of eah other. Obviously ALL our sessions are Global, especially our Events and high level Planetary Sessions, but this gives an other way to allow those events and sessoins to be even more important.
- Additionally this corresponds directly to our primary dating system between New Moons and Seasonal Equonoxes/Solstices?, and the Long 26k year count between the Equonoxes/Solstices and the Earth Elipse cycles.
- Can also of course do 10m, 20m, 30m, 1h, 1.5h, 2h, 2.5h, 3h intervals like we do for other session syncs, this just takes a lot more effort to figure out.
Dec 2015
18 Fr15:13 Moon Descending Node [??Atlantic Triad??]
18 Fr15:14 First Quarter [??Atlantic Triad??]
April 2016
22 Fr05:24Full Moon
22 Fr05:30Lyrid Shower: ZHR = 20 (NOT an Indepdnet Natural Cycle)
Aug 2016
12 Fr12:10Moon-Saturn: 4° S (NOT an Indepdnet Natural Cycle)
12 Fr12:26Perseid Shower: ZHR = 90 (NOT an Indepdnet Natural Cycle)
Dec 2016
13 Tu23:57Geminid Shower: ZHR = 120 (NOT an Indepdnet Natural Cycle)
14 We00:05Full Moon
Mar 2017 (20m)
20 Mo10:29Vernal Equinox
20 Mo10:49Moon-Saturn: 3.8° S (NOT an Indepdnet Natural Cycle)