General Posting Process Pad:

Work opportunity status: ACTIVE
Goal: To make posts on any online web-based network including Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, Craigslist and more. . .
Task: Log-in, then Copy and past a pre-made message into an online network, then post or publish it.
Time: Should be able to do one post in less than 5 minutes if not faster.  Although the first one might take 10m to get used to.

Video Turorial Link:  coming soon . . .

Key Information:
To   complete this task you will be given a link for the specific type or   types of messages that will be posted.  There are 5 key  pieces of  information that you will need to post each message successfully.  If  you do not have at least the first 2, ask for them.


Step 1: Message

Step 2: Posting

Step 3: Confirmation & Doccumentation

Repeat again for next post...

All done :)