UnityNet Mini Solutions Video:

Video: http://youtu.be/R-5futfx5Ag


Purpose of the Unity Network is to network all peoples and social movements to help solve the greatest problems of the 21st Century.  

So what are the solutions - we are just going to cover a fraction of the possibilities.

If you watched the Problems Video you saw we narrowed down the problems into three essencial categories of problems:

  And to really grasp the conecpt  of Unity that we are trying to get everyone one to understand, is that there really isn't even 3 seperate problems, there is really only one single category of problems that all other problems are related to and steam from, and that is:
Enphasize on the importance of this realization! Technically the cause of our problems, is NOT a failure in and of itself.  Its an imbalance, which is much easier to deal with.

How to solve this imbalance?

To fix this and all other problems all we have to do is...

Nudge our systems back towards a balanced state.  Don't even have to necessarily fix or even re-balance our socio-ecological Systems immediatly (immpossible), we simply need to nudge our systems back the other direction, and we are on our way towards balance. It will be lifetimes of caring for these systems to allow themselves to re-balance over time, but that is nothing we haven't already been doing.

The Unity Network is proposing one set of options for starting to initiate this "nudge", and the key is that this proposal is a series of systems based processes (not project or event based), since the core problem is that our systems are unbalanced.  Won’t cost very much money either,and it could be HUGE support towards this solutions.  But there is NO single solution, and that is why we have made this video, not to tell you the solution, but to give just a tiny glimpse at the plethora of possible solutions, and together we can figure out which ones will work.

To Understand the begining of this proposal that we call Unity you should watch our Introduction to Unity video, if you haven't already. In that video we go over the details of our Unity systems and project.  In this video we briefly glance over the generic versions of our proposals as the overall systems we feel are essencial to initiate, but they are only one compoent to a larger solutions and projects based work that needs to be done.  So we are going to start with 10 or so overall systems and understandings to help re-balance our society on the broadest levels, and then go back into details to address the 3 main categories and 5 main global problems, which is still only the tip of the iceberg.


WE ARE NOT only FIGHTING A POLITICAL REVOLUTION, OR EVEN just AN ECONOMIC REVOLUTION. THE TIME HAS COME TO also FIGHT A Global CULTURAL REVOLUTION.  Everything we do to re-balance our Socio-Ecological Systems are grounded in cultural evolutions that need to take place. Only creativity and inspiration on a new individualized level can re-balance the problems that were made in a past paradigm, a past dominant culture which needs to fade into the backgroud.  Help me build this new culture based on Unity. - Start with yourself:
Overall New Systems Solutions:

These overal concepts and ideas for general re-balancing our society is essencial because otherwize all of these ideas and projects for specific solutions have no where to fit into, cause they don't fit into the old systems and infastructures.


Solutions to Failing Politic-Economic Systems at all levels

Soltuions to Failing Ecological & Natural Systems at all levels
Individuals and Familes Not Able to Meet Needs everywhere
Process from here is to Prioritize and get more suggested solutions, projects, and ideas.

Problems Video  - Introduction to the Unity Network Video